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Discover 8 creative ways to use a shed for storage, hobbies, or relaxation in this Homestead Supplier blog post.

8 Of Our Favorite Ways to Use A Shed

There can be as many as 100 ways you can use a shed, and most of them are practical like storing garden tools or lawn mowers. 


Over time, though, people have discovered awesome ways to use their sheds. Here are 8 of our favorites! 👇🏼


#1 Backyard Bar

One martini on the rocks, please! Transforming your yard into a weekend pub will surely draw out compliments from your guests. You can decorate it with a theme, like an alluring speakeasy or a sports bar adorned with your favorite sports team’s memorabilia.


#2 PoolHouse

What’s cooler than swimming in a pool on a hot summer’s day? Chilling out by the pool house! Pop some beers, grill some food, play some music, and you’ve got yourself the perfect weekend.


#3 Man Cave

We love spending time with our families, but you have to admit, you crave some alone time too. Having a shed is the perfect solution to get away from the chaos of home – without actually leaving home!


#4 Backyard Office


Working from home is great, but it can quickly blur boundaries between work and home life. To create a sense of separation, having a backyard office is essential. Plus, going to the office without the commute? That is the life.


#5 Writing or Art Studio

Have you been putting off your passion projects for the longest time? If the answer’s a muddled “Yes”, then get that shed and get cracking on that novel / painting / jigsaw puzzle  / Civil War diorama!


#6 Recording Studio

It’s never too late to launch your music career! Or to start playing your songs at family reunions, at least. With your very own music studio, you’ll have plenty of room to belt out your compositions – just add in some soundproofing materials (for your neighbors’ sake) and you’ll be the rock god you’ve always daydreamed about.


#7 Home Gym

Get shredded without having to go to the gym and share sweaty gym equipment with guys obsessed with their biceps (there is such a thing as too many mirror selfies!). You’ll save more time and more money by exercising from the comfort of your own home!



#8 Home Cinema

Instead of spending on movie tickets and popcorn that costs more than the movie, why not have your very own home cinema getaway? Set up the portable movie projector, get a surround sound system, throw in some bean bags or a lush carpet, and you’re all set for a romantic date night! The kids always hijack the living room tv - this is the perfect at home movie escape. 


In this list, we’ve excluded the more common uses of a shed. This is because we have specific products for those, like potting sheds, dog kennels, playhouses, chicken coops, and greenhouses.

Click the link below to browse our sheds you can turn into creative spaces:

>Shop EZ-Fit Sheds,Cedarsheds,Little Cottage Company, and Palmako


Previous article Best Lawn Mower Storage Shed

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